Vol. 1, Issue 25
Rachelle Barnes (BFA Ceramics) is in need of writers to help construct her social project. For full post please see "Classifieds" below.
Ben Costa (MFAW '08) started a Kickstarter campaign to publish the second volume of Pang, The Wandering Shaolin Monk an award-winning, kung fu adventure graphic novel series.
Jeff Von Ward (MFAW alum) interviews Zarina Zabrisky about her debut short story collection, IRON, on Samizdat Literary Journal.
Megan Taylor (MFAW '09) dishes on the contents of her Clare Vivier bag in an interview on Clare Vivier studio blog.
Phil Lumsden (MFAW '14) reading in a video performance at Viracocha is up now on YouTube.
KQED Pop blog has a few notable alumni writing for them: David Aloi (MFAW '09) on Englightened, Laura Schadler (MFAW '07) on The Bachelor and Emmanuel Hapsis (MFAW '09) on the Bon Jovi and Whitney Houston- goat edition.
Faith McGee (MFAW '07) has a new piece, The Foot, featured in Samizdat Literary Journal.
Laura Schadler (MFAW '07) has a story in the latest issue of The Colorado Review.
WED 6: Invisible Art Lab: artists Daniel Bouthot, Marion Cousin, Lex Kosieradzki, Leora Lutz, Monte Masi, Zoe McCloskey, Omar Mismar, and Andrea Roberts will present their own perceptions of invisibility through performances, information, and sound and multimedia installations, 7:15-8:45pm in the Graduate Center (SF)
THU 7: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Sister Spit, 7pm at Timken (SF)
SAT 9: Writers Studio closed for CCA Advancement event
THU 14: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Scott Snibbe, 7pm at Timken (SF)
WED 6: RADAR Reading Series: Amber Dawn, Bruce Isaacson, Stacey Waite, Chavisa Woods, 6pm at the San Francisco Public Library (100 Larkin Street, SF)
3/7 - 3/9: AWP - Boston
THU 7: AWP: Panel: Writing the Ends of the Earth: Women Writers on the Arctic and Antartica with Leslie Carol Roberts (former MFAW faculty, current interim MFA Design Chair) as panelist, 10:30 - 11:45am in Room 309, Level 3, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
THU 7: AWP: Panel: Teaching the Writer and the Text - Writers of Color in the Creative Writing Workshop, Faith Adiele (MFAW faculty) panelist, 3 - 4:15pm at Room 104, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
THU 7: AWP: Reading, Henry Miller Library/Ping-Pong Magazine with work by Hugh Behm-Steinberg (MFAW faculty) and others, 7 - 9pm at The Lansdowne Pub, 9 Lansdown Street, Boston
FRI 8: AWP: Panel: Art School Writing Faculty Caucus with Hugh Behm-Steinberg (MFAW faculty) on panel, 6 - 7:15pm in Room 109, Plaza Level, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
FRI 8: AWP: Reception: Hosted by CCA MFA Writing Program, MFA in Comics, and Eleven Eleven, 7 - 8:15pm in Room 202, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
FRI 8: AWP: Reading: Bay City Rollers with Andrew Altschul, Cornelia Nixon, Tom Barbash (MFAW faculty), Lysley Tenorio and Peter Orner, 12-1:15pm in Room 209, Level 2, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
SAT 9: AWP: Panel: Found in Translation: Great Nonfiction, Faith Adiele (MFAW faculty) panelist, 1:30 - 2:45pm at Room 109, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
SAT 9: AWP: Panel: From the Ground Up: New Ways of Conceiving the BA/BFA in Writing with Hugh Behm-Steinberg and Eric Olson (both MFAW faculty) as panelists, 3 - 4:15pm in Room 204, Level 2 Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
3/15: THESIS WEBSITE: prepare & upload artist statement, writing selection, and image
3/15: WRITERS SERIES: Benjamin Anastas, 3:30 - 5pm in the Writers Studio (SF)
3/16: Cirque du Work Annual Professional Development Conference, 10am - 5:15pm at Mills College (OAK) SCHEDULE
3/16: Actually People Quarterly Launch and The Necessary Narrative by Molly Prentiss, 7pm at the Carville Annex (4037 Judah Street in the Outer Sunset, SF)
3/16: whites and linens: two selections from the series of Stephen Beal (CCA President) will be showing at George Lawson Gallery, reception 5-8pm (780 Sutter Street, SF)
3/18 - 3/22: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Exhibition: Ray'n-Gah--Linked Elegance at Oliver Art Center (OAK)
3/20: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Opening: Ray'n-Gah--Linked Elegance, 5:30 - 7:30pm at Oliver Art Center (OAK)
3/21: The launch of Anita Amirrezvani's (MFAW faculty) Equal of the Sun in paperback, 7:30pm at Mr's Dalloways' Bookstore (2904 College Ave, Berkeley)
3/21: Reading & Discussions: Andrew Lam and Aimee Phan (MFAW Chair), 5:30 - 7:30pm at Mechanics' Institute, 4th Floor Meeting Room (57 Post, SF) RSVP Required
3/22: MFA Writers Be Mixin' It: The Sequel: with open mic sign up at 6:30, reading at 7pm with mingling until 10:30pm at the Writers Studio (SF)
3/24: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, 3pm at The Booksmith (SF)
3/25 - 3/29: SPRING BREAK
4/2: All College Honors application due
4/4: Reading & Discussion: Russian author Mikhail Shishkin (Maidenhair) joined by his translator, Marian Schwartz, 7pm at Hotel Rex (526 Sutter Street, SF) TICKETS
4/4: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, 7pm at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library (San Jose)
4/5: Admitted Students Day
4/5: Word.World with readings by MFA Writing graduates Gabriel Kaufman, Anne Lesley Selcer, Julian Quisquater, Maggie Heaps, Liz Mayorga, Jim Kettner (all MFAW '13), 7pm at Timken (SF)
4/7: CCA Grad Open Studios
4/9: HearSay Reading Series: Senior WRLIT Students, 7:30pm at Nahl Hall (OAK)
4/11: Opening: Tear It Out in the Writers Studio (SF)
4/13: Bernal Yoga Literary Series
4/13: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, Golestan Kids (Berkeley)
4/14: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, Kepler's Books, (Menlo Park)
4/16: HearSay Reading Series: Senior WRLIT Students, 7:30pm at Nahl Hall (OAK)
4/18: 2013 Sceptre Prize Nominees Reading with Graham Guest (MFAW '09) and other shortlisters, Glasgow
4/19: Word.World with readings by MFA Writing graduates Kate Chianese, Amal Hassan ChloƩ Veylit, Susan L. Lin, Sarah Bushman, Erin Ginder-Shaw (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
4/19: THESIS: Final unbound draft due
4/19: WRITING BOOK: 25 page sample of work due
4/20: Voices Carry with Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and others, 5:30 - 8:30pm at the Center for the Art of Translation (582 Market, SF)
4/26: Word.World, with readings by MFA Writing graduates Jim Norrena, Jenn Virskus, Samina Chaudhry Hitch, Bill Hughes, Jill Tydor, Kristin Adochio (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
5/3: Word.World, with readings by MFA Writing graduates Ariel Cohen, Jordan Rice-Sarantis, Ryan Buresh, Melissa Louise Kuhn, Jayo Miko Macasaquit, Autumn Darbrow, Vernon Keeve III (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
5/7: HearSay Reading Series: Humble Pie Volume 8 Launch Party
5/10: ENGAGE: Oakland School of the Performing Arts student Reading, 2:30pm (SF)
5/10: Last Day of the Spring 2013 semester
5/16: Reading: Readings at the Bookstore- Tales of The San Francisco Cacophony Society Launch Party, with Kevin Evans, Carrie Galbraith, John Law and more, 7pm at City Lights Bookstore (261 Columbus Avenue at Broadway, SF)
5/18: CCA Commencement Ceremony
Rachelle Barnes (BFA Ceramics) is in need of writers to help construct her social project. For full post please see "Classifieds" below.
Ben Costa (MFAW '08) started a Kickstarter campaign to publish the second volume of Pang, The Wandering Shaolin Monk an award-winning, kung fu adventure graphic novel series.
Jeff Von Ward (MFAW alum) interviews Zarina Zabrisky about her debut short story collection, IRON, on Samizdat Literary Journal.
Megan Taylor (MFAW '09) dishes on the contents of her Clare Vivier bag in an interview on Clare Vivier studio blog.
Phil Lumsden (MFAW '14) reading in a video performance at Viracocha is up now on YouTube.
KQED Pop blog has a few notable alumni writing for them: David Aloi (MFAW '09) on Englightened, Laura Schadler (MFAW '07) on The Bachelor and Emmanuel Hapsis (MFAW '09) on the Bon Jovi and Whitney Houston- goat edition.
Faith McGee (MFAW '07) has a new piece, The Foot, featured in Samizdat Literary Journal.
Laura Schadler (MFAW '07) has a story in the latest issue of The Colorado Review.
WED 6: Invisible Art Lab: artists Daniel Bouthot, Marion Cousin, Lex Kosieradzki, Leora Lutz, Monte Masi, Zoe McCloskey, Omar Mismar, and Andrea Roberts will present their own perceptions of invisibility through performances, information, and sound and multimedia installations, 7:15-8:45pm in the Graduate Center (SF)
THU 7: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Sister Spit, 7pm at Timken (SF)
SAT 9: Writers Studio closed for CCA Advancement event
THU 14: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Scott Snibbe, 7pm at Timken (SF)
WED 6: RADAR Reading Series: Amber Dawn, Bruce Isaacson, Stacey Waite, Chavisa Woods, 6pm at the San Francisco Public Library (100 Larkin Street, SF)
3/7 - 3/9: AWP - Boston
THU 7: AWP: Panel: Writing the Ends of the Earth: Women Writers on the Arctic and Antartica with Leslie Carol Roberts (former MFAW faculty, current interim MFA Design Chair) as panelist, 10:30 - 11:45am in Room 309, Level 3, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA
THU 7: AWP: Panel: Teaching the Writer and the Text - Writers of Color in the Creative Writing Workshop, Faith Adiele (MFAW faculty) panelist, 3 - 4:15pm at Room 104, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
THU 7: AWP: Reading, Henry Miller Library/Ping-Pong Magazine with work by Hugh Behm-Steinberg (MFAW faculty) and others, 7 - 9pm at The Lansdowne Pub, 9 Lansdown Street, Boston
FRI 8: AWP: Panel: Art School Writing Faculty Caucus with Hugh Behm-Steinberg (MFAW faculty) on panel, 6 - 7:15pm in Room 109, Plaza Level, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
FRI 8: AWP: Reception: Hosted by CCA MFA Writing Program, MFA in Comics, and Eleven Eleven, 7 - 8:15pm in Room 202, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
FRI 8: AWP: Reading: Bay City Rollers with Andrew Altschul, Cornelia Nixon, Tom Barbash (MFAW faculty), Lysley Tenorio and Peter Orner, 12-1:15pm in Room 209, Level 2, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
SAT 9: AWP: Panel: Found in Translation: Great Nonfiction, Faith Adiele (MFAW faculty) panelist, 1:30 - 2:45pm at Room 109, Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
SAT 9: AWP: Panel: From the Ground Up: New Ways of Conceiving the BA/BFA in Writing with Hugh Behm-Steinberg and Eric Olson (both MFAW faculty) as panelists, 3 - 4:15pm in Room 204, Level 2 Hynes Convention Center (Boston)
3/15: THESIS WEBSITE: prepare & upload artist statement, writing selection, and image
3/15: WRITERS SERIES: Benjamin Anastas, 3:30 - 5pm in the Writers Studio (SF)
3/16: Cirque du Work Annual Professional Development Conference, 10am - 5:15pm at Mills College (OAK) SCHEDULE
3/16: Actually People Quarterly Launch and The Necessary Narrative by Molly Prentiss, 7pm at the Carville Annex (4037 Judah Street in the Outer Sunset, SF)
3/16: whites and linens: two selections from the series of Stephen Beal (CCA President) will be showing at George Lawson Gallery, reception 5-8pm (780 Sutter Street, SF)
3/18 - 3/22: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Exhibition: Ray'n-Gah--Linked Elegance at Oliver Art Center (OAK)
3/20: GRAD SPRING SYMPOSIUM: Narrative (Inter)Actions: Opening: Ray'n-Gah--Linked Elegance, 5:30 - 7:30pm at Oliver Art Center (OAK)
3/21: The launch of Anita Amirrezvani's (MFAW faculty) Equal of the Sun in paperback, 7:30pm at Mr's Dalloways' Bookstore (2904 College Ave, Berkeley)
3/21: Reading & Discussions: Andrew Lam and Aimee Phan (MFAW Chair), 5:30 - 7:30pm at Mechanics' Institute, 4th Floor Meeting Room (57 Post, SF) RSVP Required
3/22: MFA Writers Be Mixin' It: The Sequel: with open mic sign up at 6:30, reading at 7pm with mingling until 10:30pm at the Writers Studio (SF)
3/24: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, 3pm at The Booksmith (SF)
3/25 - 3/29: SPRING BREAK
4/2: All College Honors application due
4/4: Reading & Discussion: Russian author Mikhail Shishkin (Maidenhair) joined by his translator, Marian Schwartz, 7pm at Hotel Rex (526 Sutter Street, SF) TICKETS
4/4: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, 7pm at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library (San Jose)
4/5: Admitted Students Day
4/5: Word.World with readings by MFA Writing graduates Gabriel Kaufman, Anne Lesley Selcer, Julian Quisquater, Maggie Heaps, Liz Mayorga, Jim Kettner (all MFAW '13), 7pm at Timken (SF)
4/7: CCA Grad Open Studios
4/9: HearSay Reading Series: Senior WRLIT Students, 7:30pm at Nahl Hall (OAK)
4/11: Opening: Tear It Out in the Writers Studio (SF)
4/13: Bernal Yoga Literary Series
4/13: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, Golestan Kids (Berkeley)
4/14: Tremors: New Fiction by Iranian American Writers co-edited by Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and Persis Karim, Kepler's Books, (Menlo Park)
4/16: HearSay Reading Series: Senior WRLIT Students, 7:30pm at Nahl Hall (OAK)
4/18: 2013 Sceptre Prize Nominees Reading with Graham Guest (MFAW '09) and other shortlisters, Glasgow
4/19: Word.World with readings by MFA Writing graduates Kate Chianese, Amal Hassan ChloƩ Veylit, Susan L. Lin, Sarah Bushman, Erin Ginder-Shaw (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
4/19: THESIS: Final unbound draft due
4/19: WRITING BOOK: 25 page sample of work due
4/20: Voices Carry with Anita Amirrezvani (MFAW faculty) and others, 5:30 - 8:30pm at the Center for the Art of Translation (582 Market, SF)
4/26: Word.World, with readings by MFA Writing graduates Jim Norrena, Jenn Virskus, Samina Chaudhry Hitch, Bill Hughes, Jill Tydor, Kristin Adochio (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
5/3: Word.World, with readings by MFA Writing graduates Ariel Cohen, Jordan Rice-Sarantis, Ryan Buresh, Melissa Louise Kuhn, Jayo Miko Macasaquit, Autumn Darbrow, Vernon Keeve III (all MFAW '13) 7pm at Timken (SF)
5/7: HearSay Reading Series: Humble Pie Volume 8 Launch Party
5/10: ENGAGE: Oakland School of the Performing Arts student Reading, 2:30pm (SF)
5/10: Last Day of the Spring 2013 semester
5/16: Reading: Readings at the Bookstore- Tales of The San Francisco Cacophony Society Launch Party, with Kevin Evans, Carrie Galbraith, John Law and more, 7pm at City Lights Bookstore (261 Columbus Avenue at Broadway, SF)
5/18: CCA Commencement Ceremony
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